History Never Ends

But God Is in Control

Going through some old writing I did over a decade ago, I discovered the upsets and insecurities about the future we face today, we also faced back then. The details may be different, but the theme and the character-types are the same.

Almost every year, I read through the Bible. In general, the reading at the beginning of the year starts at the beginning of time, in Genesis. Like a how farmer sows in anticipation of a great harvest, so I dive into God's Word and the new year expecting great outcomes.

Come the fall, I'm usually reading the prophets. Amazing to me is how those prophets reflect a harvest of the works of Israel. A harvest that is a disaster. It causes me to reflect on the year and consider my fruitfulness. Am I having a great harvest?

These last couple of years have been shocking, to say the least. Our world, as we know it, has been turned upside down. Rarely a morning these last few weeks past when I didn't close my Bible after reading and studying, and marvel at how applicable, how much the words of the prophets describe our current world events.

And I sit in awe at the God Who is in control. The course of the world has already been laid out. However, we do not know or understand the details of that course. We guess, make assumptions, and try to predict, but the bottom line is we do not know the details.

There are some facts we do know (at least those of us who are Christians and know the Bible):

1. We know that whatever happens, the Middle East will be the center of action.

2. We know that the world as we know it will come to an end.

3. We know that there will be a great war and the Son of God will prevail against the forces of evil.

4. We also know that only those who are counted as the children of God, those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and have accepted Him as their personal Savior, will one day rule with Him.

5. We know at the end of time, there will be a Great White Throne Judgment where the unsaved is judged, and those who rejected Christ as their Lord and Savior will suffer in a place designated for Satan and his angels.

When President Bush declared war on the terrorists that attacked our country on September 11, 2001, did he know he was engaging a spiritual enemy?

I'm pretty certain our current president doesn't comprehend the spiritual warfare going on right now. If he did, I would hope that he wouldn't have left in Afghanistan American citizens who will be martyred for their faith. Or choose political science over common sense. Or be week in the face of our enemies around the world.

If our current president was aware of eternity and the battle for souls, surely he would have left the military in Afghanistan in order to maintain stability so that the missionaries and the Christians there would be able to carry out their work of presenting the Gospel to the lost. He wouldn't allow abortions to happen at all in our country, and he'd fight for those who can't fight for themselves.

But our president doesn't understand that, and I believe most if not all of his advisors don't understand that either.

Unfortunately, our perception of reality is only what we can physically see, and we choose not to look at the spiritual world. This present world, what we see, hear, feel, touch with our physical bodies, will come to an end.

What lasts forever is the spiritual. I put to you, therefore, that the spiritual realm, and what goes on there, is of greater importance, than the physical, and thus has a greater effect on 'reality', may even be perceived as true reality.

We tend to look at world events and our lives from a limited 'here and now' perspective. I'm not sure that is the wisest outlook.

You cannot look at history and not see God's influence. I know, I have a very western perspective, but I think if you look closely, with a mind to see God's hand, you'd see that God even influenced the east as well. He positioned leaders, sent missionaries who influenced the outcome of nations, and orchestrated the outcomes of wars.

Because of these facts, I did not envy President Bush's position. He had locked horns with those who are directly opposed to the true God, the true Messiah, and have presented themselves as the enemy of the people who will one day reign with Christ. Because he had done so, he had also aroused other enemies of Christ who do not wear the title of Muslim or Islam Palestinian or Arab. He had inadvertently stirred the hearts of those who are unwilling to embrace the One True God, His holiness, His design, and His righteous judgments.

Some claim to be Christians but fail the test of a true Christian some blatantly oppose Christianity, and some are just downright confused. What Bush had led the United States into was a Spiritual War, being fought on the physical level. We fight that battle today, here in our own country and around the world.

Unfortunately, many fail to understand this, and most fail to understand how important it may or may not be for the future of this world. Now, more than ever before, the born-again believers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, must pray, must study, and must take a stand for Truth and for the Gospel.

But let me make it abundantly clear that the above statement is made in light of the fact God wants each individual, from Putin to Pelosi, from Trump to AOC, from the financier in New York to the rancher in Kansas--God wants each person to know Him and to experience Him on all levels. It's not just about not going to hell. The Gospel is the message of God's great love and desire for each one of His created human beings (and if you are alive you've been created by Him) to have a close, personal very intimate relationship with Him.

History never ends because our God is eternal, because He is patiently waiting for as many as will come to come to Him. To God be all glory!

"Oh give thanks unto the LORD call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people." Psalm 105:1

God knows your name. Even when you've lost it all. God knows and cares and simply desires you seek Him, especially when the world and all its evil has taken everything from you.